Finding out you need physical therapy to help resolve a painful foot or ankle condition can leave you with a lot of questions. Fortunately, you've come to the right place for answers. Browse our FAQs here.

How many therapy visits will I need to get better?

The number of therapy sessions is usually dependent on the diagnosis (what is physically wrong), the doctors' recommendations, your personal healing ability, and your schedule. Patients who are able to contribute to the therapeutic process often find themselves improving faster than planned!

What can I expect at a typical therapy session?

While this is highly dependent on the goals of the patient and doctor, most therapy sessions include a combination of manual work, physical modalities, and specifically directed exercise(s).

How do you communicate with my doctor?

While progress notes are regularly faxed to referring providers, Creekside therapists often enjoy direct communication with surgeons, GPs, and other health professionals.

What should I wear to a therapy session?

Patients should wear comfortable, loose clothing that allows the therapist access to injuries or areas of concern. Shorts and tank tops are appropriate wear for knee/shoulder rehab, biomechanical assessments and bike evaluations.

What insurances do you accept?

We accept most major insurance plans and offer cash and multiple payment options (see insurance section for complete list).

How do you protect my medical information? Your Rights & Our Responsibilities.

Please click here to read a full description of how we protect your medical information and utilize it to help you in your recovery.